Why is church membership so important?
If you are curious about church membership and why it is important, we encourage you to watch this sermon on Biblical Membership from Pastor Nathan.
What Is Biblical Membership?
Church membership is a biblical term and idea. (1 Cor. 12:12)
Membership is a commitment of a believer in Christ to a local church body and that church body to that member, for the spiritual edification and growth of both, to the glory of God.
Membership is necessary for healthy church discipline. (Matt. 18:15-20, 1 Cor. 5:12-13)
Membership is implied in the relationship between elder & member/pastor & flock (Heb. 13:17)
What does becoming a member look like at COBC?
Here at Country Oaks, in order to become a member, an individual must:
Be a baptized believer in Jesus Christ
Take all 3 membership classes (in any order)
Fill out the membership application.
Meet with an elder to share his or her testimony
Membership classes are offered once a month during first service. They are on a rotating schedule (for example, #1 in February, #2 in March, #3 in April, etc.) and you don't have to take them in order.
If you have more questions about church membership or membership at COBC, please call the office at 661.822.1379 or email info@countryoaks.org, and we'll get you connected with someone who can go more in-depth with you.