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We meet on Thursday nights at 6:30 pm


Here at Country Oaks, we are committed to promoting family worship and spiritual growth within the home. This does not stop once students reach Junior High and High School. Our Student Ministry is focused on coming alongside, not replacing, parents in evangelizing to and discipling students. Ultimately, the goal of COBC Student Ministries is to help parents raise mature Christians who know what they believe and why they believe it.


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Zach Douglas

I am originally from Northern California and was raised in a Christian home and was baptized when I was 7 years old. I went to college with the goal of preparing for youth ministry and my time in college strengthened my faith and showed me how vast God is and the grace he has extended to believers. In college, I met my wife, Emily, and we moved to Tehachapi in 2016 after we married in September of that year. I am currently working on getting my Master’s degree from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and am loving what I am learning about God and the world he has created. We live in town with our dog and absolutely love living in this small town. Ever since we moved here in 2016, God has made it clear that COBC is where he has called us and we wouldn’t want it any other way!

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